Thank you for your recent application for the position of Cabin Crew with
Singapore Airlines.
I am pleased to invite you for an interview on 23 October 2012 at 0820 hrs
at the following address:
The Westin Taipei
133 Nanjing East Road, Section 3
Taipei 104
Taiwan R.O.C
Please note that you should report 15 minutes before your scheduled
interview time.
In the event that you successfully clear the first interview, you may be
required to attend another interview the same afternoon or the next day.
Please note that all expenses that you incur for attending the interviews
will be on your own account.
If you are unable to attend the interview, please reply to
cabincrew_taiwan@singaporeair.com.sg indicating your full name.
Please complete the attached employment application form including a
passport-sized photograph and bring it with you on the day of the
Please bring a copy of this e-mail with you and all the ORIGINALS and
photocopies of your birth certificate/household registration (English
version), educational certificates, international passport on the day of
the interview.
You will also be required to bring your resume in English for the
We look forward to seeing you.
索取相關航空招考資訊專線 0987926224 李小姐 Sophia
sophia-li@air-aviation.com.tw 聯絡我們