Taiwan Taipei 08 Aug 15 09:00 Invitation only
Cabin Crew Assessment DaysCabin Crew Assessment DayEmail Print
The Emirates Cabin Crew Recruitment Team conducts international assessments in different countries each month. The list below shows all of our upcoming campaigns in alphabetical order by country. ⋯⋯
There are two types of assessment days: Open Days and Invitation Only Days.
Open Days are an opportunity for you to submit your CV to our recruitment team and begin the process of starting your new career with Emirates. If you’ve got what it takes, you’ll be invited to attend the Emirates Cabin Crew screening and assessment process, either the same day, or the following day, depending on the number of candidates in attendance. Final interviews will be scheduled over the course of the same week. It is a great idea, therefore, to plan ahead and have copies of your documents and certificates ready and available.
Invitation Only Days: Assessments are by appointment only. Apply on-line by clicking on the link and we will review your application. If you are shortlisted you will receive an invitation with the date and location of our assessment day.
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預約專線 0987-926224 李小姐Sophia
台北市公園路30號11樓之2 (台北車站捷運站M8出口)